Selecting the Perfect Geyser for Your Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

Selecting the Perfect Geyser for Your Home: A Step-by-Step Guide


When it comes to ensuring your household has a consistent supply of hot water, choosing the right geyser (or water heater) is crucial. A well-chosen geyser not only provides the comfort of hot water on demand but also helps you save on energy costs. With the numerous options available in the market today, selecting the perfect geyser can seem overwhelming. This step-by-step guide will walk you through everything you need to consider to make an informed decision.

Step 1: Understand Your Hot Water Requirements

The first step in selecting a geyser is understanding the specific hot water needs of your household. Consider the following factors:

  • Family Size: Larger families typically require more hot water more frequently. A family with 6 members compared to a family of 2 or 3, for instance, will need a larger geyser to ensure that there is less waiting time for everyone.
  • Usage Patterns: If everyone in your home showers in the morning, you’ll need a geyser that can quickly reheat water. Alternatively, if hot water usage is spread throughout the day, a smaller geyser might suffice.
  • Weather Conditions: Ensuring that your geyser’s type align with your local climate conditions will help maintain energy efficiency and provide reliable hot water access.

Step 2: Choose the Type of Geyser

There are two primary types of geysers to choose from, each with distinct advantages.

  1. Instant Geysers
    • Heat water on demand.
    • Compact and suitable for kitchens or small bathrooms.
    • Ideal for small households or areas with minimal hot water needs.
  2. Storage Geysers
    • Store hot water in a tank, available on demand.
    • Suitable for larger households due to higher capacity.
    • More energy-efficient for continuous hot water needs.

Step 3: Consider Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is essential for reducing electricity bills and minimizing environmental impact. Look for geysers with a high energy rating (denoted by BEE star rating), indicating lower energy consumption.

  • Energy Efficiency Tips:
    • Opt for a geyser with a Thermostat Control feature which prevents overheating and unnecessary energy usage.
    • Choose a geyser with PUF insulation to retain heat longer, reducing reheating needs.

Step 4: Evaluate Safety Features

Safety should never be compromised. Key safety features to look out for include:

  • Thermal Cutoff: Automatically shuts off the geyser if the water temperature exceeds a safe level.
  • Pressure Relief Valve: Releases excess pressure to prevent accidents.
  • Anti-Corrosion Coating: Protects the geyser tank from rust and extends its lifespan.

Step 5: Check Additional Features and Design

Modern geysers come with a variety of extra features and design considerations:

  • Digital Display: For easy temperature control.
  • Timer: Allows scheduling of heating times to reduce energy usage.
  • Compact Design: Especially important for smaller bathrooms or kitchens.

Step 6: Set a Budget

Geysers come in a wide range of prices depending on brand, capacity, and features. Establish a realistic budget based on your requirements, and then compare models within your price range. Remember that investing in a more efficient geyser could result in significant long-term savings on energy bills.

Step 7: Choose a Reputable Brand and Warranty

Finally, choose a geyser from a reputable brand known for quality and customer support. Ensure the geyser comes with a solid warranty and reliable after-sales service.


Selecting the perfect geyser involves careful consideration of your household’s hot water needs, energy efficiency requirements, safety features, and budget. By following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently choose a geyser that meets your family’s needs while offering excellent value for money. Investing in the right geyser ensures an uninterrupted hot water supply, energy savings, and a comfortable home environment for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :

Q1. What warranty coverage should I look for when purchasing a geyser?
When purchasing a geyser, look for a warranty that covers at least 2-5 years on the heating element and a minimum of 5-7 years on the tank. Ensure that the warranty includes comprehensive coverage for manufacturing defects and material durability, and check if labour costs for repairs are included.

Q2. Is professional installation necessary for geysers?
Professional installation is strongly recommended for geysers to ensure safety, compliance with local regulations, and optimal performance. Qualified technicians can correctly handle the electrical and plumbing connections, reducing the risk of malfunction or safety hazards.

Q3. How often should I schedule maintenance for my geyser?
Schedule maintenance for your geyser at least once a year. Regular servicing includes checking the thermostat, pressure relief valve, and anode rod, and flushing out sediment build-up. This not only extends the life of your geyser but also maintains its efficiency and safety.

Q4. What safety precautions should I take when using a geyser?
Always ensure the geyser is installed in a well-ventilated area. Keep the temperature setting below 50°C to prevent scalding and reduce energy consumption. Regularly check for any signs of leaks or corrosion. Install a carbon monoxide detector if the geyser is gas-powered, and never bypass safety and pressure valves.
